Continuam seria noastra de articole despre asteroizi, cu partea a doua, dedicata misiunii Osiris-Apex. Spuneam in prima parte ca, la doar o cateva zile distanta de trecerea asteroidului Apophis pe langa Pamant, misiunea Osiris-Apex, o extensie de cel putin 18 luni a vechii misiuni NASA, Osiris-REx, va incerca o interceptie, initial de la o distanta de 4000 km, urmand sa se apropie progresiv de suprafata asteroidului.
OSIRIS_REx, de tipul ’sample return mission’, fusese lansata pe 8 septembrie 2016 de o racheta Atlas V de la Cape Canaveral si isi interceptase tinta, asteroidul Bennu (numar de catalog 101955) pe 3 decembrie 2018. Timp de 2 ani, misiunea ’Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security’ a navigat in tandem cu acesta, observandu-l indeaproape, inainte d...
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Spacecraft Virtual Models
Planets Virtual Models
3D Navigation
Navigate and explore geographic data on 3D. We've created an interface to the Google Earth plugin that enables you to quickly access and explore locations
on Earth as well as in space. The rich interface allows you to easily switch or jump between the built-in coordinates on Earth, various planets, galaxies
and stars. The application will be under constant development and new locations and features will be added.
Currently available features provide the tools to visualize specific predefined coordinates like:
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